Květnová revoluce 1945
Altri titoli: The May Revolution 1945
Genere: Amateur film
Anno: 1945
Durata: 31:39 min:sec
Descrizione: April 30th, 1945 In the introduction, Mr. Kostelecký is shown with a photographic camera at his chest. This is followed by a view of the Prague Castle and the headquarters of the Wehrmacht in Prague (Lichtenstein Palace). A Czech policeman converses with a German soldier. A panoramic shot of Prague rooftops includes an image of the Nazi flag flying over the castle. A sign indicating "Jiřská ulice" (Jiřská street) and shots of street activity. Views looking out of the tram. People queued up in front of Post Office 33 in Slezská street. A shot of Wenceslaus Square (Václavské náměstí) from the perspective of the National Museum (Národní muzeum). Some German soldiers pour petrol into a car while others have their boots shined. An image of the bricked up Astronomical Clock. A soldier with crutches makes his way across the Mánes Bridge (Mánesův most) as a young girl with a backpack gets into a car. Lorries with fully loaded beds pass through the streets (presumably Germans fleeing Prague). People put clothing out to dry in the park in front of the Wilson train station (Wilsonovo nádraží). May 1st German tanks patrol Republic Square (náměstí Republiky) and Wenceslaus Square. Signs with bilingual writing: "Ins Freie" - "Do volna." May 4th, evening A German sentry with a machine gun in front of the Koruna Passage (pasáž Koruna), later destroyed by shelling. People clean off Czech signs and take down German signs. May 5th, 1945 Republic Square filmed from the window of an apartment on the square. German units-tanks, armored vehicles, a bicycle commando-pass by under the window. People paint over German signs. A crowd is gathered in front of the barracks on the square. A Czechoslovak flag in a window-a man in the street waves at it with his hat. People stomp on a picture of Adolf Hitler. Incoming tanks roll past shredded portraits of Hitler. People in the bed of a lorry with a Czechoslovak flag. May 7th, 1945 People at the barricades, not far from the entrance to the Astoria cinema located in the Valdek building. Members of the Revolutionary Guard greet "vlasovci"-soldiers of the Russian Liberation Army under General Vlasov. People in the street scan the buildings, apparently trying to locate a sniper. Mr. Kostelecký posts a copy of the "Nedělní list" newspaper on a wall. Shots of an apartment interior. A café on Na přikopě street. Prague citizens bring food to the soldiers. A man lying on the ground during a shootout. A longer sequence featuring an armed confrontation in Panská street. May 8th, 1945 Members of the Revolutionary Guard swearing an oath at the headquarters in Bartolomějská street. Prague rooftops on fire, rubble being cleared on Old Town Square (Staroměstké náměstí). Buildings on fire, flames being extinguished, a long sequence featuring the devastation on Old Town Square. Revolutionary Guards, members of the Vlasov Army, gendarmes, and civilians pass before the camera. Six o'clock in the evening, the official ceasefire has already been declared - the Old Town Hall on fire, Germans retreating in tanks. May 9th, 1945 Czechs mingle with Soviet soldiers. Germans clear away barricades under the supervision of Czechs. The Czechs remove the Germans' boots. Welcoming the Soviets, joy in the streets. May 10th, 1945 Morning on the devastated Wenceslaus Square and the statue of St. Wenceslaus. People around the neighborhood. The Czechoslovak government-in-exile is greeted upon its return from Moscow. Images of Old Town Square and Republic Square. May 16, 1945 People in the streets wave to a passing procession. A brief and quite unclear shot of a car with Czechoslovak president Edvard Beneš. Women in traditional folk costumes. A Russian sign: "Privet vam." (Wellcome). A photograph of Edvard Beneš in a shop window. A shot of the building that houses café Continental. Czech policemen on horseback. A Russian sign: "Long live brave marshal Stalin, hurrah!" People at the lower end of Wenceslaus Square prepare raised positions (ladders, concrete blocks) in order to view the celebratory gathering.
Parole chiave: World War II / Prague Uprising / Russian Liberation Army (ROA) / barricades / German soldiers / Vlasov Army (Vlasovci) / Soviet soldiers
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Colori: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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